What Furnace Maintenance Do I Need To Do?

It always amazes me that people often times do not know what kind of maintenance needs to be done to the various working parts of their home.  When you sign on the dotted line when you get your mortgage, they should also hand you a guide to home maintenance.  Like everything else in your life, […]

How Do I Maintain My Furnace?

A question we get a lot is “How do I maintain my furnace?”.  We realize that a new furnace is a large investment, and you want it to last as long as possible.  There are several things you can do to make sure your furnace lives a long happy life. First, change your air filter […]

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon Monoxide detectors, if the co detector rings out: CALL Emergency services immediately. Furnace repair contractors Chicago Furnace repair contractor’s Chicago Talks about the importance of carbon monoxide detectors (co). On Sunday evening 1-16-2011 I received a call from a consumer stating he would like help over the phone fixing his furnace, I walked him […]

Heating Maintenance

Heating companies refer themselves as heating and cooling contractors, in the residential sector of heating and cooling which is why we refer to ourselves as comfort heating specialists.  As comfort heating specialist, it is our obligation to give you the most reliable and accurate information looking for an honest heating (comfort heating specialist) company. Around […]