Air Conditioning Repair

Air conditioning repair Summer is almost officially here, the hot weather plays havoc on your air conditioning system. The majority of our services calls have been no Refrigerant or low Refrigerant. That means that leaks are present in you’re a/c system, and attention is needed, like I need to tell you that. Your options with […]

Central Air Conditioning, Air Conditioning Repair, Chicago Cooling

High School Summer league Baseball has begun. I braved the hot afternoon, you know like when you feel like you’re melting into the pavement. Watching my son’s game all I could think about was getting home to my nice cool central air conditioning. Central air conditioning/air conditioning repair Chicago cooling Comfort can mean different things […]

Chicago Air Conditioning

Chicago, “The City With Big Shoulders”, “Windy City”, “Chi-town,” The city that works”, “My kind of town” — there are a list of nicknames for this beautiful city we call home.  Working, playing, and just chilling out there is no other city like it in my humble opinion! The people of this city, the different […]