5 Signs That You Need A Chicago Furnace Repair

Even though it is warm outside right now, us Chicago natives know this warm weather  will not last, and we will be kicking our furnaces back on sooner rather than later.  (I’m hoping not tonight!)  However, there are a few signs that you may need a Chicago furnace repair:

Chicago Furnace Sales

Tis the season for holiday cheers and family gatherings. The worst thing that can happen is for your furnace to fail, especially now with Christmas shopping and all.  We know that the dollars don’t stretch like they should during the holidays. For that matter, the dollars don’t stretch too far with this weakened economy. We […]

New Furnace Chicago

With the heat that visited us this past summer, the last thing on your mind is more heat; however, winter will be approaching soon. Furnaces work in conjunction with the air conditioning systems – if you have had  a leaking system during the air conditioning season and water happened to drip on your furnace, you may […]

Furnace repair Chicago

The weather is changing and the cold is moving in. Are you prepared? If so, good for you. If not, it is time to make the call to Around The Town Heating now to schedule your furnace or boiler maintenance. Have you been contemplating replacing your furnace or boiler? Now is the time. We have […]

Furnace Cleaning

We had a small taste of what winter will bring. Mind you it’s only a small Taste. Soon the cold temperatures will plummet and furnace will be running at full speed. Many Chicago heating contractors advertise furnace cleaning; the reason behind such advertising is to prepare you and your heating system for 6 months of […]

furnace problems / furnace repair/ furnace odor

Did your furnace act weird last night? Heating season has begun. Usually we receive calls stating that a furnace or boiler has acted weird or was smelling funny and the home owner was concerned. Many times during furnace start up you may get a dust burning smell. Many homes have dust trapped in the duct […]