Replace furnace

Replacing your furnace should be a pleasant experience. The crew of Around The Town heating and cooling makes the transition of replacing your furnace a no hassle task. All you have to do as a home owner is to point our technicians to the furnace room and then walk away and let the guys go to work.

Our installers are professional. We use clean drop cloths and boot covers where necessary. After the installation is complete and proper start up procedures are followed, our installer technicians will show you all there is to know about your new furnace and how and when to change your furnace filter.

After you understand fully about your new furnace, our technician installers and their helpers will remove all debris from your home and premises and will sweep and/or mop if necessary. After clean up, our crew will place a service installation sticker neatly on your plenum so you always have access to our company phone numbers.

If you are in the market for a furnace and want a hassle free experience, call the #1 Furnace Company of Chicago. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Around The Town Heating is the company to call! Call today for a free in home new furnace estimate.