Hvac contractor does size matter?

Hvac contractor does size matter?

You may be wondering about this heading about size and its importance. This reference has nothing to do the human anatomy, however sizes of certain things may make a difference concerning your comfort level and your willingness to try new things.

If you’re a consumer who cares about personalized service and have not found that service readily available to you and you wish it to be, and then look no further than Around The Town Heating and Cooling. We use tags like “we care heating and air” and we do!

Our company is a small shop and we like it that way. Big Ed feels that if a customer is a number, how do you put a face with a number? Every customer in our customer base is remembered and when they call. Ed remembers them and remembers the service He and his guys performed for that customer.

There is an article in the HVAC News magazine about one man shops verses the big corporations and frankly I disagree with that article and what it implies. https://www.achrnews.com/Articles/Cover_Story/BNP_GUID_9-5-2006_A_10000000000000867656.

Being a one man shop or a small outfit only lends itself to my point of knowing our customers by name and face and a little about their life verses just a number. We care if a customer is having financial distress and needs our service, we care if a customer has lost their job or their children are sick or a family member has passed on, “We Care”

Chicago Tribune wrote an article about the heat on July 24th 2010 and called Big Ed and asked his input about the heat wave of late. https://articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-07-24/news/ct-met-hot-humid-0724-20100724_1_hottest-day-water-wedding.

So I ask you’ would you like to be remembered when you call your Heating and Air conditioning contractor for service. Remember when you call Around The Town Heating and Cooling we appreciate and need your business.

In the last 8 years we have not had a customer bounce a check or give us a declined credit card, and in my mind that says something about the personalized service we offer, and the quality of customer we have.

Over the years we have had big contractors laugh at our blogs and say they are stupid, how can an article be stupid if it comes from the heart and not from a paid service to write it?

Heating and air conditioning is a personable business, you the consumer invite unknown people into your homes and lives to bring comfort to you and knowing your contractor personally is comforting, wouldn’t you agree?

I believe size may make a difference but if you want personalized service small is better.

If you’re in need of air conditioning or heating service try the small guy and test the waters you will like what you get. Call 312-243-9896

Big Ed

Ps. If you call and we can’t tend to your needs don’t be offended, as much as we want your business and the opportunity to meet you sometimes we can’t handle the influx of calls, if your patient and would like our personal touch then by all means call.

 Bringing comfort to you!

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