Furnace Chicago Repair / Chicago Furnace Repair

Furnace Chicago Repair - Chicago Furnace Repair

Now that we are having our first cold spell, is your furnace is getting a workout? If you have a older furnace, this is the time you may want to consider replacing it with a more energy efficient furnace.   Even if your furnace is running great and is well maintained, it doesn’t hurt to research our heating systems now in case your furnace dies out on a freezing cold night.

Choosing a reliable Heating and Cooling contractor is very important. Finding a trustworthy heating contractor that can provide dependable furnace or boiler repair and furnace or boiler replacement when the need arises is a task.

Chicago No Heat Chicago No Heat snow prediction 2015These are some factors you should take into consideration when deciding upon a HVAC Company. Make sure the contractor is licensed and certified and insured. When the Heating Contractor Service Technician comes into your home, the service technician should look at the size of your home to ensure the right equipment. A recognizable brand name is an important factor in choosing your system. Get your estimates in writing Beware of the guy with the lowest price. If you are receiving many bids make sure you know exactly what you are getting, and make sure you are comparing apples to apples.  The lowest bid can often be the worst equipment and cost you the most money in the end.

How will you know what is the best furnace. It is the furnace that is sized properly for your home and properly installed. Today’s new furnaces are half the size of the ones built 20 years ago , but are more energy efficient. The new furnaces are a minimum 80% and 90% energy efficient, and now we offer to you 95% variable speed furnaces with a tax credit.

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