Flooding or Storm Damage can Destroy your Furnace & Boiler if not Repaired Promptly

Has your Furnace or Boiler been Damaged by Flooding or Storms in Chicago?

FEMASome Storm Damage May Not Be Obvious—Inspect Furnaces Thoroughly

Do not operate furnace until it has checked out by a licensed HVAC Contractor.

When the cold weather approaches , concerns about furnaces include:

  • Leaks in gas lines as well as water and sewage in pipes;
  • Corrosion of electrical wiring from exposure to sewage water;
  • Problems with  pumps and blower motors moved or shaken by high winds or flooding;
  • Debris lodged in chimneys; Which can cause carbon monoxide.
  • Sediment or mold that could blow into the house from ducts exposed to water.

“Recovery is a process that involves many steps, but don’t forget to think safety first,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Albert Lewis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

“Local codes may require you to hire a licensed professional to check your wiring or gas lines, so check your local ordinances.”

For more information about recovering after the storm, visit a Disaster Recovery Center or check out the information online at www.ready.gov/recovering-disaster.

Boiler Flood Damage

Do not operate a boiler that has been under water until it has been checked and repaired.
Issues that arise from water damaged boilers are as follow; Clogged and flooded burners and gas valves.
Defective boiler circulating pumps, relays and controls.
If you try and start your boiler after a flood, a explosion can occur from delayed ignition. So have your boiler checked out first from a licensed
boiler professional.

Contact Around the Town HVAC Today if your basement has been flooded and your heating or cooling appliances have been damaged.

Flood Damaged boiler furnace