Chicago Furnace Maintenance

furnace maintenance

Chicago furnace maintenance is adamant about having your furnace maintenance perform every season no matter what.

On the news this morning we hear about death that may be caused by carbon monoxide poising.

This is why we send post cards to our customers for furnace or boiler safety checks or tune ups if you will.

Chicago furnace maintenance inspects for cracked heat exchangers and restricted chimneys. These are a few items that can cause carbon monoxide sickness or death.

We always say spend a little now and get a lot later, for example your life! In the last 3 days we have replaced furnaces that have cracked heat exchangers that were so severe that we were very surprised that the home owners did not get sick. It only takes one though!

Chicago furnace maintenance pre-season is over now but we still have $89.95 furnace maintenance checks and $109.95 boiler maintenance checks. Feel free to drop a line to schedule you maintenance now. Thanks Big ED.

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