Cheap Furnace Repair

Cheap Furnace RepairFurnace Repair at Discount Prices

You all heard the old adage you get what you pay for; this is true in any purchase you make.  What about HVAC service companies? Cheap furnace repair or reasonable priced furnace repair? And what should you compromise concerning a quality service on your furnace repair?

Remember that your furnace is a heating machine the utilizes natural gas or propane for its fuel source (around Chicago that is) and burning natural gas or propane can be an explosive, so therefore whom do you call?

Cheap furnace repairs is what most consumers seem to look for when searching for a heating contractor whether it’s on the internet, yellow pages or newspapers, however this is not always a wise decision.

Cheap Furnace Repair

Just the other day around 9pm we received a call from a person who became a receiver of a foreclosed 10 unit apartment building saying that their big steam boiler went down and were in need of emergency service, as We entered the boiler room there was a non-English speaking and unlicensed cheap furnace repair guy working on this Hugh steam boiler, that wasn’t so bad I thought” however what this person was doing was touching wires together on the boiler electrical system trying to see what was going to happen or not, that bothered me.

This person being non-English speaking didn’t bother me because this is America where everyone has a chance for a good life, but what did bother me is the receivership person looked for a cheap furnace repair person or company, OK understandable (cheap), but this person they hired had no clue of what he was doing and on a big steam boiler, this was a great cause of concern especially concerning safety.

Looking for cheap furnace repair companies isn’t always the right avenue when it comes to heating systems. There are safety concerns for all if the cheap furnace repair person don’t know what they are doing or know what they are looking at or looking for.

Cost is always a factor but should it be? The consumer who is looking online for parts sees one price and a HVAC contractor sells the parts at a different price and immediately a consumer thinks they are getting ripped off. This is not the case at all, there are mark ups added, which this is normal, there are fuel charges in the service call fee and then there is labor, which includes worker’s compensation, company overhead and profit, and insurances that are factored in.

Cheap furnace repair shopping isn’t always the right avenue to take but looking for a reasonably priced HVAC contractor is smart shopping.

In need of reasonably priced furnace service call Big Ed At 312-243-9896.

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