Central Air Conditioning Replacement Chicago

Central air conditioning replacement has many factors that should be considered when purchasing a new home central air conditioning system.

Central air conditioning replacement factors includes proper sizing of the central air conditioning, proper location, your existing central air conditioning might not be in the right location even though it has worked fine. I have seen where central air conditioning systems are undersized and the a/c seems to run none stop to keep you cool. (Of course there are many reasons for this as well) I have seen central air conditioning systems over sized and the removal of humidity is never achieved.

That is why many air conditioning companies will not quote prices for a new a/c over the phone. (Too many variables). Other factors that contribute to a properly installed central air conditioning system are the supply duct work as well as the return duct work.

Of course furnace filters play a major role on how well your home central air conditioning system works. Check furnace filter monthly and change no more than every two months. If you use those dreaded 3month pleated filters be careful about that as well. On the package it states this filter maybe used up to three months. Each home has its own filter change time.

Other factors are as follows: The blower motor. Is the blower motor in the furnace or air handler big enough? (Is the blower wheel caked up with dirt)? Will it push the proper air flow through the evaporator coil? Has the evaporator coil been cleaned professional? There are many factors to look at.

Central air conditioning replacement in Chicago has its ups and downs especially when you have a central air conditioner on your roof. Many times we can get your central air conditioner on your roof through your home.

central air conditioning system replacement
Here is a job where a crane would not work so we jacked the a/c unit to the top ledge and pulled it over on the roof.

Other placements of your new central air conditioning system can be achieved by using the elevator in your building up to the top floor then up a few flights of stairs onto the roof. Or the worst case scenario is the added cost of a crane lift. Of course if your central air conditioning system is on the ground then tootles.


Over all having your central air conditioning system replaced to a more energy efficient system is always a good choice. However if your current central air conditioning system has been problematic over the years, then upgrading may be the right choice financially as well as for your comfort.


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