Boiler Repair in Lake View, Chicago, 60657, Illinois

Chicago Boiler Repair & Replacement Around The Town HVAC is available for Boiler Repair in Lake View, Chicago, 60657, Illinois. If you are a home or building owner who is experiencing the absence of radiant heat in your boiler, you should get it checked out immediately. Around The Town HVAC offers the best services available […]

Boiler Plumbing Repair

Boiler plumbing is an art all to itself. Many HVAC contractors shy away from this particular work, especially in Chicago. Albeit boilers have many controls that are similar as furnaces, they only differ in their function. Boiler plumbing is dirty and tedious work and it’s understandable why a HVAC contractor may shy away from that […]

Boiler Heating Repair

Boiler heating repair is that of a boiler which produces heating and for some reason failed to heat you up. Boiler heating repair persons such as Around the Town Heating’s unusually large guy named Big Ed gets the job done and gets it done right. Is boiler heating repair more difficult then, well let’s say […]

HVAC Price Gouging Chicago

HVAC Price gouging, you hear of a HVAC contractor that is price gouging in Chicago. You see that in reviews and you may see it on TV or the internet. HVAC price gouging, say it ain’t so”. What one person deems price gouging another may deem it to be fair. For example on yelp there […]

Bucktown Heating & Furnace Repair

Around the Town Heating and Cooling has been servicing the HVAC systems of Bucktown Neighborhood Residents of Chicago (60614, 60622, 60647) for over 25 years. Call us at 312-243-9896 today and we will be happy to help accommodate your home comfort level with a properly functioning and well tuned heating system. We service and repair […]

Ignition System Furnace Troubleshooting

Both  direct-spark and hot-surface ignition systems are dependent upon a solid-state ignition control module. This module sends and receives messages to/from other components within the ignition system. There is one main difference in operation between the two systems. In the direct-spark system, a spark ignites the main burner; in the hot-surface system, there is no […]

South Loop Energy Conservation & Furnace Maintenance Tips

 South Loop 60605, 60616 5 Energy Conservation Tips When reviewing the calculations for determining heat loads, certain steps should be followed to significantly improve energy savings. Use increased insulation everywhere possible, specifically between roof and ceiling surfaces. Use the latest design temperatures when calculating the required HVAC system capacity. Use proper inside design temperatures that […]

Buena Park Furnace, Heating & HVAC System Repair or Maintenance

At Around the Town Heating & Cooling  we know the importance of doing a quality job and repairing your furnace or heating system correctly. That’s why it is critical to choose the right heater repair contractors for your  needs. Around the Town HVAC has heating repair technicians are experienced and available for service 24/7. We […]